Work Life Class
Work Life, a biblically integrated job and life-skills curriculum designed specifically for low-income adults through which the materially poor are assisted in developing crucial skills for flourishing in their careers and communities. Work Life covers typical jobs readiness topics like interviewing skills and understanding what employers want. But more than that, the curriculum engages participants in God’s grand story for their lives, uncovering how to live all of life, including work, in light of that story. Naming gifts, developing communication skills, healing from the past, and overcoming difficult roadblocks are all addressed in interactive, participatory ways throughout the curriculum.
Boundaries Class
The Boundaries 9-session, small group, DVD video study features Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend, who uncover the secrets to setting healthy boundaries that provide the framework for rich, productive relationships. Good relationships depend on maintaining effective personal boundaries. But, many people don’t know where to start. For example,
- Do you have trouble saying no?
- Can you set limits and still be a loving person?
- Are you in control of your life?
- Do people take advantage of you?
As a participant, you’ll learn how to live your life more fully, display truth, and love more freely. Get insights, exercises, and spirited group discussion that can profoundly improve the quality of your relationships in every sphere of life—marriage, family, friendships, church, and the workplace.
Faith & Finances
Faith & Finances is a financial education ministry that empowers low-income people with practical money management skills, biblical stewardship principles, and supportive relationships. It is different from many other financial education programs. It’s not about helping participants achieve wealth or material success. Rather, it aims to empower participants to experience restoration in their finances—and in their relationships.
Affirming Potential
Affirming Potential is a 12-week group class evaluation the physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual areas of life. It builds on the foundation that God has created us with intrinsic worth and unique potential. Participants learn how to use the AP Dream Tool, which helps individuals set and achieve goals and steps to live out their God-given potential.
All classes begin with a meal! For more information on this year’s schedule or to secure a spot, contact Diana Email or call 541-924-5683