It is good to know that God is in control and knows what is best for each of us.
One of our clients (I’ll call her Sandy) called in 2013 asking for help with transportation to some medical appointments and for prayer for her double pneumonia. She also asked if Love INC would send someone to her residence to pray for their new home, which Sandy shared with a friend. We were able to send some intercessors from a local church to pray for them.
A week later Sandy called, very excited, and she told us that things were going very, very well. She got a good night’s sleep and things were going better at their house. She was extremely thankful for our prayers.
Sandy called other times, when she needed help with getting some ID after her purse was stolen, when she needed some furniture and linens, and when she needed prayer.
Several months ago Sandy called to tell us she was on hospice and was using oxygen. She had been diagnosed with lung cancer. Our volunteer prayed for her lungs and breathing. A good friend of Sandy’s called several times after that asking for prayer for Sandy.
A few of months later Sandy’s friend called to update us on Sandy’s situation. Sandy had been dying of lung cancer and the doctors had given her 6 months to live. One day last week, Sandy woke up and could breathe without the oxygen and felt much better. When the doctors examined her, they found no trace of cancer.
God graciously listened to the prayers of His children and responded with mercy and power.
Thank You God!